Tuesday, November 24, 2009

To my surprise

I remember a teacher told me that most children have a different character when they are at school. I tried not to believe that. Today, I was checking many folders in my PC, cleaning up all the unwanted ones, as I know my kids had been playing hide-and-seek with me using my PC. To my surprise, I found these photos of My daughter, Nadia playing guitar for the group of classmates on the stage. Emm..... quiet girl huh... Firstly, she used my PC without my knowledge. Secondly, she is not as reserve as I thought. So, what the teacher said is right. Aha!.. time to do more investigations.


Anonymous said...

nadia look so sweet....like the mother?....maybe.-2T

fra34@hotmail.com said...

hayyo..! lagi mau tanya ka..?sendrii tau lah.

Anonymous said...

K2T, I agree with you if not 'charles' would not have be that frightened!!!- frm sweet baby sister

Faida said...

Dear sweet baby sister,
actually that Charles 'mau tapi malu'. Wakaka...!

zurin said...

wah...that s the filipino blood in her! born singers/musicians!!:))

Faida said...

Aunty, I've heard that before, but it did happen to me LOL!

Faida said...

Aunty Zurin, I meant, 'It didn't happen to me'. I missed out the 'not'