“Hush..hush..DO NOT post on the Facebook and DO NOT tell anyone ok. I couldn't invite all. Not at this time” She warned me.
“ok..ok..I wont” I obeyed. Zippp…!!! my mouth sealed.
but…she didn't warn me not to blog about it, so I didn't seal my fingers.
I addressed her as ‘kakak’ (kak in a short form), a Malaysian way of expressing respect to a lady older than us. I’ve known Kak Ani for many years just by her name. I knew her as a wife of my hubby’s cousin. And that was it.
AND THEN…, we got to know each other in person through facebook , which later followed by a family gathering.
Within less than a year, TARAAAA….!!!!! we are now BCF(Take a guess).
Guess what? we both are the 7th among our siblings and we both share the same birth date. What a coincidence. No wonder, we are both ‘good girls’
Today is one of her wonderful day..also to her hubby , Nana Din, as my hubby addressed this cousin of his. Like my hubby, Nana Din is a man with a few words…but……………
….today, both husband and wife could not run away from being a perfect hosts.
My beloved parents-inlaw, my loving hubby and I arrived at the house, slightly later than promised.
The house was beautifully decorated with bountiful bouquets were set on each table.
Both wonderful hosts did their role well.
Are they here..?? (Both looked anxious) uh..! they’re caught in the traffic. Traffic congestion is part life for those who are living in Kuala Lumpur area.
You..!! dont just simply post my photo without editing ok…I got her 1st warning.
Stay there flower girls..not until I say yes..!
Make sure all food are served. Get ‘em ready….
Wooaaahhhh….! Those perfect hosts were so busy at that moment.
“Would I be able to handle this kind of occasion if it was mine?” I thought…hu.hu.hu…I better not think about it. Not now.
The special occasion was an engagement day for their one and only daughter, Deena. She was still in the room then, that I could not capture her in my camera.
While the house compound, was nicely covered for the comfort of the invitees….
in the house, there was a nicely decorated stage for the fiancée-to-be.
WOW..!! at times I thought it was a wedding.
VIP ladies, including my mom-inlaw were seated at one corner of the house.
while the VIP men, including my dad-inlaw, at another corner.
yup..that's him….. a cousin brother of my hubby and an ex-university-mate of mine. I paused a second, recalling our university days, looking at him as a much younger man. “You’ve grown up, my man….” Side ways, I meant.
I wont misrecognizing Ghouse with that sweet smile of his. A gathering wouldn't be fun without this guy.
Good for me for having a camera with a wide screen, wide enough to accommodate these two guys, Ghouse and my beloved room-mate(comes hubby).
hhhmmmmm….I wonder if these 2 guys know that there is such a place called Gymnasium.
I continued going in and out of the house with my camera, that some could have mistaken me with the actual host
Hi..!I’m so and so….I met a nice couple who are living just two doors away from the house, Fuzila and Zain.
I chat with them for awhile and I couldn't help myself from talking about my excitement being to The Komodo Islands, still…yes ..komodo is still in my mind.
Once a while I excused myself to play a self-assigned role as the camera woman.
oh man..!!! at a glance, I thought Maher Zain was there.
click after click….
More and more invitees arrived (phew..! I wasn't late after all.)
“You look familiar” I teased these sweet couple who I just met 2 days ago. They are my hubby’s fun-to-be-with cousin brother, Hussain, and Mrs. Hussain or Kak Maimoon, as I'm addressing her. A gathering wont be fun without them too.
More being welcomed.
and my task wasn't done…….Cheers guys…..
45 minutes later………
“Darling,..come quick..!” The lady host could have said, while looking at her beloved, who was still busy chatting.
THEY ARE HERE..!!! At last…
Happiness expression portrayed on parents of both parties, when they were embracing each other, obviously one could tell how blessed the engagement was.
Come on in ladies and gentlemen…welcome….welcome….
The group from the Fiancé’s side arrived with a few trays of gifts for an exchange with gifts from the Fiancée's side. Its a customary event here in Malaysia.
You give me 5 trays, I give you 7
You give me 7 trays, I give you 9
You give me 9 trays, I give you 11
Dont ask me why..just follow the norms.
whatever…but don't you dare not to include the engagement ring and the $$$ with the amount of not less than….shhh…...lets keep it a secret for now.
So…there was the ring. Too bad it was too far for me to zoom. I couldn't get into the house then. No parking.
I made do with watching through the window pane.
The moment I saw the host stood up, and others started coming out …That’s it..! Done.!!! They were officially engaged.
I quickly rushed in to take a glance at the pretty girl.
There she was…..Deena, beautifully made up, seated on the stage especially built for her……
…and having ring nicely fit on her finger.
You’ve grown up now, girl. Keep all the advices from your mom and dad with you ok.
The fiancé looked so nervously excited (if there's such a word)
Next…….EATING TIME…!!!! yummm…. My kind of food. I enjoyed ‘em so much, that I could have gluten ‘em all, but I ‘ve got to get my work done.
I saw everyone were eating, except this excited mom…
And this overwhelmed dad…
I continued kept on capturing photographs like nobody’s business.
Not forgetting the actual cameraman..
I found these 2 pretty moms, still in the house. Aren't you gals hungry? Good you see you again, my dear friend, Ida.
Ghouse…!!??…err….I thought I’ve seen you…errr…!!! yeaaaahhh right…thats you first round, alright…we both laughed, having mutual understanding.
I turned to my right…then turned to my left. I lost track of my hubby’s where about. There you are….! I found him seated at another table, busy talking to his new found friend. That's the way, my man. Talk..!
Ok it was more than 2 hours since we arrived and ..burp..!!! excuse me…time to leave.
We’ve gotta make a move…. thank you so much…
good to see you….glad to have met you…
Congratulation mom-inlaw-to-be. Take care…..
See you again…jumpa lagi……Assalamu’alaikum…….. We kept on waving to each other.
Aah….! How what a nice feeling seeing those happy faces. We came with love and drove off with love.
He..he..he..As usual...well done..always reading with a grin on my face...Thanks Faida...
its true ,cuz, without you in our gathering, its less fun. Kak apply jadi GFC member lah ni. (Ghouse Fan Club)
wow lots of food!!! lama tak nasi lemak oooppsss
Alahai Nasi Lemak..lama ko menghilang
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