Friday, December 18, 2009

Tips for Thoughts

Remember 'Law of Attraction'?
Like attracts likes
Happy attracts happiness

Don't think of something that you don't want to happen because the Law of Attraction doesn't recognise negative word. "I don't want to get into car accident" will be interpreted to your thought as "I want to get into car accident".

When someone asks "How are you feeling today?"tell him/her that you're feeling good. The person will be happy to hear that. When that someone is happy he/she would bring happiness to others.

When you are feeling bad, do not dwell into the bad feelings, instead, focus on something that makes you feel good. If it doesn't work, think of another and another and another. Create a list of them, like, when for the first time you received a flower from your love ones, when you fell in love for the first time, when you had the first sight of your baby, when you got promoted, when you brought happiness to your parents. Anything, that makes you feel good.

Your feeling is your own masterpiece. You create it. You hold it in your thoughts. If you want to be happy, set it in your thought, because Law of Attraction travels in certain frequency. Anything that falls within the the same frequency will bound to come to you.

Let's take a look at a local example. The attitude of 'segan' is very Malaysian. You and me are one of them. Conservative-thinking falls into the same frequency, so is judgemental, 'Kiasusm', stupidity and so fort. Put off the 'segan' feeling and replace it with 'Respect' and 'Tactfulness'. Be open minded. When you are meeting new person, a big boss, a high ranking minister, a Pastor, an Imam, a beggar, whoever they are, don't keep these in your thought...
"what if ...."
" but I don't want her/him to think that I......."
"I don't think......"
"May be he is not...."
Eliminate all the negative feeling. Meet with open mind. You are who you are. You will be ok. The next time you are feeling bad or unhappy, remember the Law of Attraction.

(Ideas from- The Secret by Rhonda Byrne)

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