Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Risk of accompanying


That was way back in the year 2004, when I accompanied this officemate of mine to a show house. It was a launching of a medium cost apartment. 3 bedrooms with build up area of 850sq feet. Its just 10 minutes drive from Kuala Lumpur city centre.

RM300 booking fee….hmmm. “I will have to think about it”  He said.

As he was busy talking to the sales person, asking this and that, I was also busy watching another staff pasting stickers, one after another. The sticker indicates that its taken. That's how we, Malaysian buy our property nowadays. We are buying from paper. Scary, I know, but the developers leaving us no choice. Houses, apartments, Business suites are getting higher in price and smaller in size. And this apartment is selling for only RM100K. Then, it wasn't considered too cheap, but If I don't buy, someone else would, I thought.

I had never experience buying property, and had not thought about it. And on that day, I kept my eyes on the apartment layout. More and more stickers were pasted. They were sold like a hot cake. “That's it…!” I though. “ I’m going to the ATM” I told my officemate. I took out RM300 and paid the booking fee. Bingo!! I went back to the office having myself an apartment. I called my husband and told him about my drastic decision. Then, he thought my decision was scary.

2 weeks later, my 90% loan was approved. With a further rebate of 7% from the developer, I just needed to pay another RM2700 and I got the apartment.

One of my officemate regretted not buying, especially when there is no way one could find a 3 bedrooms apartment with such price in the city area. Not at this time. Taking risk can be fun and self rewarding.

Now is a payback time and collecting rental at the same time.

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