Friday, August 26, 2011

Little Arab up north The Peninsular Malaysia


Last month, I stopped by a customer’s site. It was just a hello..hello kinda visit. 

Al-Bukhary International University Library.

How nice being welcomed with such hospitalities.


The great hosts brought me around the beautiful campus area. It was like being in Arab country.

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Such a beautiful design, with Islamic concept.  The Scenic view from inside the library was indescribable. Seeing is believing.

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It was a surprise to me knowing that this international university is build to provide, not only educational value, but also humanitarian value to the disadvantage students. The university sends its staff out up to China, searching for students who could not afford. Those who wants to pursue their study to the university level. Such a kind family, Al-Bukhary. May Allah bless him, whoever he is, and his generation.

Whoever read this blog and if you ever come across any candidates who got 5 or more credits in his/her Form5 or ‘O’ Level and ‘seriously’ wants to continue to university in Business or IT field. AIU is the place. You may contact the university directly. Its free.I mean.. Totally free. Just bring your luggage in.

Al-Bukhary International University (AIU).

“Is the university meant for Muslim students only?”

That was my first question to the host.

He answered “Its not, AIU accepts the non-muslims student too”. And yes, they study there for free too. Complete with accommodation. WOW..!!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Cerita Purba ku – Episod 12

Senyap. Suara itu tidak kedengaran lagi.  Limah kah itu? Kenapa Limah tidak mahu berjumpa dengannya?
“Limah.! Limah.! kau di mana Limah.?” Pak Chot terputar2 bagaikan orang tidak siuman, tercari-cari dari mana suara itu tadi.
Suara Intan kedengaran tegelak2 kegembiraan. Pak Chot terhenti. Beliau melangkah mendekati Intan. Intan lagaknya seperti bersama seseorang. Kaki dan tangannya melambai-lambai, suka. Begitulah keadaan Intan apabila minta di gendong oleh Pak Chot. Tapi tidak ada sesiapa bersama Intan. Kini dia sudah berada betul-betul di tepi Intan. Pak Chot perlahan2 duduk, dan bersandar ke pangkal pohon Tabanak itu.
Intan kelihatan bahagia sekali. Pak Chot terus memerhatikan lagak anak kecil itu. Banyak yang berlingkar2 difikirannya. Mungkinkah si dia ada bersama Intan ketika itu? Mungkin itu Limah, yang sedang melayani Intan. Mungkin Limah selama ini sentiasa berada bersamanya dan Intan. Mungkin hanya Intan yang bisa melihatnya.
Nampaknya Intan masih tidak menyedari akan kehadirannya. Intan masih tetap melambai-lambaikan kaki dan tangannya ke arah lain sambil bersuara kesukaan. Bukan ke arah Pak Chot. Pak Chot mahu membiarkan Intan bermain dan bermesra bersama si dia yang mungkin juga ibu Intan.
Pak Chot agak yakin bahawa itulah suara Limah, isteri yang selama ini dicari2nya. “tapi siapa anak kecil ini? Anakku kah dia?”. Ianya masih menjadi tanda tanya pada Pak Chot. Pak Chot cuba menenangkan fikiran.  Intan dibiarkannya terus bermain kesukaan,  “ Biar lah dia puas bermain dengan Intan” Bisik hatinya. Pak Chot menutup kelopak matanya.
Sebaik sajaha Pak Chot menutup mata, bisikan Limah kedengaran. Dengan cepat Pak Chot menoleh ke arah Intan, dengan serta merta juga suara bisikan itu lesap. “mungkin kah aku bermimpi?” Dia menggeleng2kan kepalanya dan menutup mata semula. Sekali lagi suara itu kedengaran. Setiap kali Pak Chot membuka matanya, suara itu hilang. Akhirnya dia merapatkan matanya.
“Limah..Aku dengar kau Limah” tanpa membuka mata Pak Chot cuba menyapa.
“ Abang… maafkan Limah , bang”. Suara Limah lembut kedengaran seolah-olah begitu dekat padanya. Kini Pak Chot sedar, bahawa beliau hanya bisa mendengar suara Limah dengan mata tertutup. “ Tapi kenapa Limah? Abang mencari Limah. Kenapa Limah tergamak?” Pak Chot tidak dapat menahan airmatanya. Matanya terus dirapatkan. Dia masih mahu mendengar suara yang sekian lama dirinduinya itu.
“Abang, Limah akan ceritakan apa yang terjadi, tapi bukan sekarang. Abang bawa Intan pulang dulu. Limah datang nanti malam”. Suara itu lenyap.
“Limah..! jangan pergi dulu” Pak Chot melihat sekeliling. Dia cuba menutup matanya semula sambil memanggil2 nama Limah, tapi suara Limah tidak kedengaran lagi. Dia membetulkan duduknya.Dia mengesat airmatanya. Beliau merenung Intan yang tersenyum sambil melambai2kan tangan dan kakinya ke arahnya.
Hari sudah hampir senja. “Kita pulang ya nak..” Perasaan Pak Chot terhadap Intan semakin intim. Pak Chot mendukung Intan dan mula berjalan pulang. Dalam hati, beliau tidak sabar2 menunggu malam tiba. Dia akan bertemu Limah lagi walau tanpa melihat wajah isteri yang amat dirinduinya itu.
Nantikan sambungannya di Episod ke-13……………….tunggu…..

Episod 13:

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Melodious moments

Tonight, we call it The Night. No outing. We sat around our small living room. One chose to connect with friends thru Facebook, while another chose to watch TV on the other living room.

But, ladies like us could not stand doing something that does not require movement. So, Nadia and I decided to break the silence with our guitar melody.


It sounded so no-good that our performance didnt get Adri’s attention at all, while his papa hush-hush for us to lower our volume.

Whatever……..We just went ahead with our strumming.

One thing good having a small house is we see each other often. We bumped unto each other on every move we make. We bunked-in to the same sofa fighting for the seat. We pushed each other. We touched each other. We teased one another. And we sing together.


Some night, we just unplanned go out for what come may, like….

Wow..! Durian..! Lets stopby..!!


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Sometimes we do plan for our window shopping.

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Few more years, these happy moment will be left behind as our sweet memories. The kids are growing up and leaving for their college soon. And next, they too would become a mother and a father for theirs.

Even if I could not leave behind wealth, I do hope for them to remember our time together.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Excuse me, I got new handbag


So many people I’ve wanted to say thank you, but have not. Not that I am ungrateful. Not that I didn't want to say it.

Perhaps is lack of Gingko, or lack of exercise or lack of sleep or lack of foods ?


LittlesisD, you are among those that I’ve been trying to send text message or call , for the pass 3 days. And every time I remembered , it was after midnight, the time when I do lots of thinking. Thinking of things that I have not done. 

So here its is Miss. LittlesisD, the new handbag that I got from you, sent thru a handsome delivery man.

Today, I chose an outfit that goes with the color.

withNice bag DSC00116

And LittlesisD, here’s the big word for you. I let the whole world know that I am saying…

Thank You ..!!


To my eldest sister-inlaw, Kak Didi,


Even without taking Gingko, I do remember all the item and fruits you got for me from your few trips out of the country. I love it. Thanks so much sis.

Oh..if you are wondering.. I consumed  the fruits all by myself.


Saturday, August 6, 2011

Racism in all


He was the only one with strange look and color. His pretty polka dots mother discriminated him, while his brother which looks like his father and his sister, which looks like his mother were lovingly taken care of my his mother and also by his step aunt.


I'm talking about a stray cat family, which has been living behind my house. A few kittens were born but they never last. I’m not sure if they were eaten by passer by dogs or did they die due to the weather, out there or did somebody pick them to give shelter. Just like what Nadia and I are doing to this 3rd generation.

On these 3 siblings, I’ve been watching them. I watched when each of them came of of their mother’s womb. I watch when they where growing and started learning and venturing new surroundings.I watched how each one interact and behave. I watch how the mother took care of them and cleaned them and feed them. Once when they were carried away by their mother to other place outside of my wet kitchen area, I looked around for them and got my maid to bring them back.

I regarded my attention to one particular kitten. Since born, he was already feeling out of place. His 2 siblings didn't think he belongs to the family. He is too ugly for them. We called him E.T.



Ruled out by my hubby, cats are not allowed in our small house, but a couple of time, the mother was able to break the rules and got them under the sofa at my living room, for a while, until my husband came down.

Out you go, little one..!!!

So, Nadia and I got them a new shelter. In the box , outside the house.


Being ugly and weak, E.T had always being pushed aside by the 2 better looking siblings of his. To make things worse, his mother too didn't really bother to feed him Feeding time was a fighting time for little E.T, as for  the 2 siblings of his, they had always won the game.

Poor E.T didn't grow as fast as the other 2. His ugliness didn't do good justice to him.



The 2 siblings love each other, but not towards poor little E.T.

Yesterday, I found E.T’s cold body at one corner. Sad.

He died due to mal-nutritioned.

Come to think about it, there is no difference between human and animals. Racism exists. I see it thru observing those stray cats and I felt it thru reading comments from a few Facebook groups that I am added into. While I didn't ask to be included, I had no intention to participate commenting. Many comments were mind-polluting and I don't favor such comments. As much as I could, I would avoid unnecessary stress.

In fact,  I wanted to leave the group,a few times, then later decided not to. I want to continue reading and observing. And I want to use it as a learning path for understanding normal behaviors and deviant behaviors.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Cerita Purba ku – Episod 11

Pak Chot memandang keheranan pada Intan. Intan masih tergelak seperti kegelian.
Ish..!! Dengan secepat kilat tangan Pak Chot menepis ulat Gonggok yang kelihatan merayap keluar dari baju, di tengkok Intan. Ulat Gonggok itu terpelanting dan membentuk bulat seperti bola. Pak Chot lega. Di angkatnya Intan dan disapu2nya badan Intan. “Kesian, Intan tak apa2 kan?” Beliau menggendong Intan dan bersedia untuk meneruskan perjalanan mereka.
Lembah paya bakau sudah hampir dekat. Pak Chot terus merimbas rumput belukar yang agak tebal itu. Akhirnya Pak Chot dan Intan sampai di tempat yang dituju. Pak Chot duduk di bawah pohon Tabanak yang sekian lama masih tegap berdiri di tebing lembah itu. Di situlah dia bersama Limah bergurau senda sambil menjamu bekal makanan yang Limah sediakan. Hatinya sayu terkenangkan saat itu. Dia rindukan Limah, tapi dalam benaknya, dia juga rindukan si dia , empunya bisikan yang membelainya setiap malam. Pak Chot kebingungan.
Intan kelihatan tenang duduk di bawah pohon yang rendang itu. Dia mencarik2kan daun2 yang tercapainya. Pak Chot memerhatikan sahaja. Dalam hati Pak Chot tertanya2, “ Anak siapa kah dia?”. Tiba-tiba muncul kebimbangan dihati Pak Chot. Bagaiman kalau ibu Intan datang untuk mengambilnya semula? Bagaimana pula kalau Intan bertanyakan di mana ibunya , apabila dia mula pandai bertanya nanti?
Pandangan Pak Chot beralih ke kawasan dimana terdapat banyak ketam. Terbayang wajah Limah keriangan sambil melambai2 padanya, acapkali dia dapat menangkap ketam di situ. Bahagianya mereka waktu itu.
Dalam mengelamun begitu, mata Pak Chot tertumpuh ke arah dua tusuk tubuh manusia di seberang sana. Apabila tahu Pak Chot menyedari akan kehadiran mereka, kedua2nya datang ke arah Pak Chot dan Intan. Pak Chot mencapai parangnya. Intan didukungnya dan di ikatkannya kain pelikat erat agar Intan tidak terlepas. Kedua orang itu semakin dekat. Bagaimanapun mereka kelihatan datang tanpa tujuan jahat. Pak Chot kembali tenang dan meletakkan parangnya.
“Abang ni orang baru di sini kah?” Salah seorangnya bertanya. Pak Chot teragak-agak untuk menjawab kerana beliau cukup kenal wajah2 itu. mereka lah yang sering terserempak dengannya ketika mencari kayu api. Mereka juga lah yang berlari lintang-pukang semasa dia memanggil mereka 4 purnama yang lalu.
“err..tidak. saya sudah lama di sini. Rumah saya di sana” Pak Chot menunjukkan arah rumahnya.
“eh. tapi itu dekat rumah orang tua bisu tu.  Abang ni adik Pak Chot kah?” kata yang seorang lagi sambil bertanya. Matanya melirik pada anak kecil di gendongan Pak Chot, tapi tidak bertanya lebih lanjut.
“ ya,saya tinggal di situ” Jawab Pak Chot tanpa mahu menyatakan hal yang sebenar. Pak Chot mencapai parangnya semula dan mula menebas-nebas rumput sekeliling. Menyedari Pak Chot seakan tidak menyenangi perbualan tersebut, mereka berdua minta diri untuk meneruskan kerja2 mencari kayu api.
Setelah keduanya berlalu, Pak Chot berhenti menebas. “muda sangatkah wajahku?” Bisik hatinya tertanya-tanya. Intan di letakkannya semula di bawah pohon tadi. Beliau ke tepi paya untuk menjenguk gambar wajahnya di permukaan air. Memang terlalu lain dari wajahnya sebelum ini. Pak Chot lebih segak dan jauh lebih muda kelihatan.
Dalam menyelami bayangan wajahnya itu, tiba-tiba kedengaran suara bisikan yang memang pernah di dengarnya sebelum ini.
“Abang..” Pak Chot berpaling ke arah mana datangnya bisikan itu. Tiada siapa kelihatan, tapi dia cukup  mengenali suara itu. Kini kata2nya jelas sekali
“Limah.! Kau di mana Limah?” Pak Chot terputar2 mencari sekelilingnya. Hanya Limah sahaja yang memanggilnya sedemikian. Dia pasti itu Limah, isterinya yang sekian lama menghilang setelah disambar kilat lebih 47 tahun yang lalu.
“Limah!! Kenapa kau tidak mahu menunjukkan dirimu Limah?”
“Abang..,tolong jaga anak kita. Limah tidak boleh”.Suara bisikan Limah hilang begitu saja.
…………..nantikan sambungannya di episod ke-12…………………

Episod 12:

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Its Fasting month –Ramadhan 2011


Its fasting month again. And again I have to struggle with my migraine. I know it will go off on the 3rd day , as its normally did. This is part of my strive during this fasting month.

Today is the 2nd day of fasting in Malaysia, while in Brunei, according to my friend who is living in that country, today is their first day of fasting.

The starting of Ramadhan is based on sighting of the new moon. Hence, its possible for one country to have a difference of 1 day gap on the commencement of Ramadhan, from another.

According to the History of Islam, The Qur’an was first reveled during the month of Ramadhan. Ramadhan is the 9th month of the Islamic Calendar. The actual night when the Qur’an was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad( Peace Be Upon Him) is called Lailatul-Qadar.

No one knows on which particular night the Qur'an was first revealed, but it is said to be one of the last ten nights of Ramadan, and to stand in prayer on this one night is said to be better than a thousand months of worship

During Ramadhan, Muslims will not eat and drink during daylight hours.

“how could you stand it??” 

“ Why do you have to suffer”

That were regular questions from the Non-Muslim friends of mine. I never get irritated by the questions though. It is my responsibility to provide the answer. Not by just saying “I can” or  “I have no choice”, but with a little explanation

I'm sure they are familiar with the word ‘JIHAD’ (strive). Killing the innocent is not Jihad.

Fasting is a real ‘Jihad’. Its a form of training to refrain from all wrong-doing. For a period of time, we are learning to control our basic urges i.e the urge to satisfy hunger, thirst and sexual desire, and devote ourselves to serving and helping others while disregarding our own needs.

Only healthy adult Muslim required to fast, not those who happen to fall ill or be on long journey during Ramadhan, in which they should complete the missed fasts after Ramadhan.

To those who are not able to fast, such as the very old, the long term ill, pregnant woman or women who feed their babies, among others, can give charity instead of fasting. At least giving a day’s food to one poor person for every fast missed.

Fasting makes us realize the suffering and the feelings of the needy. Its not meant to torture at all.

Ramadhan Al-Mubarak everyone..!!!

Food for thoughts


Smile and make someone else’s day.

If you’re a lecturer, enter your classroom with cheerful face. Give your bright smile.

If you stop at a red traffic light, and notice the driver of the car next to you is looking, show your  smile.

If you enter a store, smile as you pay.

If you are in a gathering, smile at those around you whether or not they smile back at you.

Smiling plays an important role in suppressing anger. Its not a sin. It doesn't cost a cent.

A brave person is the one who is able to control emotion. A brave person is able to smile in the darkest of moments.

Smile, you’ol..!!