Monday, September 20, 2010

Not retired at 45

I am yet to set my target right. Years ago I aimed to have an early retirement plan at 45. I will leave my 45 years of age in the next few days, and I am still financially and mentally not ready to retire.

Come to think about it, what would I do without job? I dont have many consistent hobby other than shopping. Even that is not consistent. How would my life be without meeting people and without making decision for others? Would my existing clients still highly regard myself as how they do today? Would I be talking as confident? Would I be happy being an intelligent housewife without gaining salary at the end of the months? Most probably not.


Back to work, Madam.



Anonymous said...

hi sis, i know your b'day is not till tomorrow. Since i remember it today... I better wish you first,A VERY HAPPY B'DAY TO YOU- 45TH B'DAY TO BE EXACT! Dahlah kena marked as SIL yang selalu belasah i better be nice to the b'day girl. LUV U ALWAYS.2T

Faida said...

Thank you in advance for the early wish, sis. I am still feeling much younger than 10 years ago. I want to age gracefully :-)

Ok la..ok are actually a nice SIL to me. Keep it up.

and Thanks for minus-ing a year from my actual age.
I luv you too sis.