Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Other than degree


As so everyone else, I learned a lot while attending university. Not only the degree in computer science I got, I also gained a pooling skills. I am talking about the pool table.

Indiana State University, Terre Haute, USA provided pool table at the students’ cafeteria. Hardees, I remember the name, the place where I hung around during break. Whenever there was a chance I picked up the cue and bang on the heavy cue ball. After few frames, I began to pickup the skills.

Back to Malaysia, pool was not meant for women to play especially when its usually associated with pub goer perception. So I reserved my temptation on the game.

My hubby who is from the same university, obviously knows how to pool too. Sometimes ago we once a while went out and enjoyed the game when the kids were already in bed. Then we ‘overaged’ the game.

Lately, since there is a cafe with pool table next to my office, I started to play whenever I get a chance.

THIS OLD LADY..???? POOL..????

YEZZZERRR…. and I still like the game. Im not that good, but I still could use the skills I learned from my university days.

Warning to those youngsters, trained yourself before challenging this aunty. DONT waste my time..!


Anonymous said...

ada berani? kemalak

Faida said...

Alahai Kemalak... ko praktis la dulu.Kan malu klu ko kalah infront of your student.