Monday, June 13, 2011


Earlier, I  posted about the beauty of nature at Medan, but it didn't take the attention of my sister-inlaw, Tuty, away from food.

tuty (Hmmm…what are they eating over that side?)

Yes, indeed, Indonesian food are not alien dishes to both sides, my hubby’s and mine, as we grew up eating Indonesian dishes most of the time. Not that we grew up within the same compound though.

One of the reason I like about going to Indonesia, is the choices of food and the great services from the people. I loike..!

Regardless of the unreasonable hiked price for non-Indonesian, we still kept on patronizing the well-known restaurant ‘Garuda’.

Here they are sis…. But of course I focused the camera on my favorite veggies and sambal (chilly paste) and kikil (beef tendon and cow skin cooked in coconut milk). Oh ya.. in case if you’re wondering, the skin is shaved well. I’ve checked. That was among the most I looked for.

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Bakso (meet ball soup) at Medal Mall was umphh..! if you add in the right ingredients of ABC soy sauce, vinegar, chilly paste and the tomato paste which were provided on each table.

Don't bother how the word ‘Pop’ is tied to the ‘Ayam’(chicken). ‘Ayam Pop’ is the local dish that you should not missed.(its not in the picture though). ‘Ikan pepes’ (fish wrapped in bana leaves, grilled)… ‘gulai kambing’ (mutton stew)..boiled papaya leaves and tapioca leaves to be eaten with the ‘sambel Hijo’(green chilli paste)…grilled/fried Gurami (fish)..ikan lele (cat fish)…and Talapia


shrimp in chilly paste and ‘petai’..perrghh…many more and more and more….3 days of journey and we never got sick of the food. But we all came back with sickness. Not due to the food, but tiredness.

110620113222 There were plenty of food choices at Thamrin Plaza too. We started out food journey at the cafeteria at the top floor. Avocado, locally known as alpokat, juice was a must drink for my daughter and me throughout our stay.

On the way from Lake Toba, we stopped by at a Durian stall. yummm….

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In my every trip to the country, I never fail to eat this unique fruit, which has a scale very similar to Cobra. Yes, I’m talking about snake. The fruit is called ‘Salak’ (Suh-luck)


This is passion fruit, another unique local fruit.


It is so tempting to see those fruit stalls at Berastagi, a small town, with nice cooling breeze, between Lake Toba and Medan. There where I learned about ‘Pepino’ , melon-like fruit, which tastes like cucumber. The stall owner claimed that it could reduce hyper-tension, diabetes and many more.


Ops..! Sorry sis, I was too busy enjoying the ‘sup kambing’(special mutton soup from Siantar town) and ‘Tomat sumbat’ (stuffed tomato soup), specially prepared by our uncles and aunties at Siantar. I forgot to take any photos for your drooling.


Anonymous said...

oh nooooo! why didnt u tell me you're going to put my beautiful photo, kalau tau i would change to my blue+green contact lens. Anyway back to the food. yum yum yum....what can i say, u just have to do it kan sis...make me drooling by just having to only look at it and unable to eat it. OH especially the DURIAN + SOP KAMBING+ etc......SIS YOU ARE SO MEAN.....SIANTAR here i come.2T

Faida said...

Ops..I forgot to tell you...Sop kambing is out of stock.

Anonymous said...

my heart broke into 1000 pieces when i say my sis face and all the GOOD food at the bottom. i thought how could you with all the food and exclude ME!!!!! but then i realised that my sis is also dreaming to eat all the food so OKlah sama sama dreaming ha ha ha....... thanks for the gift its stuck with aleia she will hug it to sleep every night.littlesisD

Faida said...

LOL! suspence...tu time, read first.ini tidak..terus zoom ke food photos.

I'm glad Aleia likes it