Saturday, September 10, 2011

Miss Pirate just delivered


Remember Miss untouchable stray cat?

   cat&Fishing 038

Once she gave birth to 2 kittens, but as a new mom, she didn't know how to take care of them, then. She left them somewhere out there. They never return. Those poor kittens could have been killed by stray dogs.

This morning, I saw her behind my neighbor’s house. My maid alerted me about it.

She got me so excited. Miss Pirate just produced 3 little kittens. So cute. Nadia will be excited to see this picture.


They are so…adorable.

Black, grey and with polka-dots. Deja-vu. By co-incident, those color combination were similar to her sister’s, the late blacky, late Tompok and Tiger.


I just looked at those new kittens from a distant. I let them stay there. The house belongs to someone who seldom home, anyway. I guess they are safe living there.

Take care of your babies ok… Don't leave them.

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