Friday, September 9, 2011

Sad and scarry story of the creatures

We watched him sliding out of his mom’s womb. We watched him growing from crawling to walking then jumping. I wrote about him and his siblings last month.

We’ve been giving him our love. We caress him every day. He turned tame and lovable.

We called him Tompok (dot), having dots pattern on him. 2 weeks ago, Nadia and I sent him and his sibling to the vet for checkup.


That was the 1st time we took our stray cat to the vet. They both got a jab. Not Nadia and the kitten..! but Tompok and Tiger.


Tompok was such a handsome cutie.

Last week, somehow, he turned weak. It was still festive season and all vets were still closed. Adri, my son and I drove Tompok to the clinic. The staff were in  the midst of closing and the veterinarians had gone home.

“I’ll come back tomorrow”. I told the guy and we took him back. That night I wanted to keep him in the house, but….abiding my hubby’s rules and regulation…..

“No Pets in the house”

SHHHhhh…..Many times Nadia and I managed to sneak them into the house for a photo session.

Deep inside I had no confidence that this kitten was gonna last, when I returned Tompok to his mother, which anxiously waited by the kitchen door.

Next morning………

“The …..thing… ate ……dy..dead….!” I heard my hubby was shouting something to me from outside the toilet door.

“WHAT..?? I cant hear you…..”.My hearing was stuffed with the sound of water shower, then.

“Your kitten. Something ate part of his body” He repeated.

“ how….what ate him..?? Is he dead..???!!” I was shocked.

“of course. What do you expect..?” (duh.!)

What a tragic.

What the heck was that wicked inhumane creature...???

A dog..??? wouldn't be able to squeeze thru the narrow fence. A snake…???..nah… a snake could have swallowed him at once. But what was it?

Whatever it is, Tompok is dead. I had my tear on his death, a bit.

“I TOLD YOU..!! DO NOT KEEP PET..!!” thats my own words telling myself. Losing a pet is not fun.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ End of stray kitten story ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



Tonight’s story…..I was alone. Nadia has started her new life in the campus, Adri was then in his room and my hubby had a meeting with friends, while I was Facebooking with old friends, Suzie, Ammedah, Rahimah, Jun and Wahab. My maid was busy cleaning up at the back.

Talking about my new maid, Sri, she is the best cleaner, but she is also the most talkative maid I have ever had. Most of the time I just let her talked to herself. When I’m at home, I usually, by her expectation, forced to attend to her many and continuous stories. She doesn't seem to know how to put fullstops or commas to her statements.

As I was happily typing and smiling to my FB friends funny comments, I heard my maid’s shrieking scream. “Eeeeeee….shenneek.!…shenneek.!..eeee…!!! (she tried hard to say the English word with her strong Javanese accent)

I could not understand her. I thought Sri had gone mad. I jumped and ran to where she was. Not to help, but to join her scream.


Its was a baby snake…!!!!!

DSC00231 DSC00230  

Found dead behind my kitchen. Sri accidentally killed it by moving the dustbin, smashing the snake’s little head.

TING..TONG..!!!  Diana, my sis-inlaw came while the eerie excitement was still on.

I opened the gate and greeted her with “ there’s a snake..!!”

‘Hi..!…WHAT…!!?? Snake..??!!?? ….Byeeeee..!!”  

VROOMMMMmmm….!!! she drove away not too long after that.

Oh, BTW, in case you want to know, Sri learned a few English vocabs from her previous employee. She is so proud of it. If only she could get her Javanese accent off, I should be able to understand her English. She did a good try though.


Anonymous said...

I was speeding away to get HELP but somehow I was helping myself to get away from the situation he he he, you know even yr hubby (my bro) would have left you to handle the situation alone (a.k.a run away also) it RUNS in the family! LOL....... littlesisD

Faida said...

I know that littlesisD. Lucky for me your big bro wasnt in. else I could have to handle 2 tasks :killing and consoling.

Anonymous said...

PHEW.... lucky your open house for us dah over....if not i would have think many..many times to go to your house...tapi tak pegi nanti kecik pulak hati my dear sis...anyway please do something about that creature....i hate snakes.2T

Faida said...

Hate? such a lovely camouflage. Buat soup ekor pun boleh. yummm...

Anonymous said...

eeeeeyyyyuuuuucccckkkkkkk sup ekor ular? nxt time u masak sup remind me to think twice!...littlesisD