Saturday, November 19, 2011


I was holding on to my laptop. My fingers were all took position to type, but my mind went blank.
The next day, again I did the same think, Again, blank.
The following day.... Blank and blank and blank.

I had so much to tell , but the laziness overcame everything. Frustration of nothing. Hatred of the unknown.
I guess it time for me to follow the flow. 'Dance to the music'. Listen to the Tango beat. CUT..!!!!

When talking, I kept on losing my word. When singing (in the bathroom), I kept on forgetting the lyrics. When watching TV, I most of the time bothering others, asking what had happened.
I figured, I shall continue my reading hobby. There are so many books I read halfway through. And many I have forgotten the last part I was reading. I picked up the striking yello cover.
Topic: How to talk to everyone. hmmm.....
If you see me talking too much on our next meeting, dont blame me. Blame the author, Leil.

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