Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Margarita tells tale


I walked into the room. Everyone were so welcoming. I remember those days when my arrival stunned them And they would look at each other, as if an alien had just slipped in. I then kept my mouth and movement extra careful not to say things that they wouldn't want to hear or to do things that they wouldn't want to see. I kept it that way for years.

Then one day, when I again walked into the room. Everyone were not looking at me. They talked among themselves. I looked around and saw a block of ice. I picked it up. I lifted it higher and higher…. and WAMMM..!! I dropped it to the ground. Everyone looked at me. I smiled. They smiled. Then I giggled. One by one started to giggle too.Now we all laugh to each other’s joke. If only I knew, I could have broken the Ice block much earlier. Those were the days.

Today, when I was in the room, I walked towards another door. It was a bigger door leading to the master room. I knew there were bigger crowd there. All along I never want to open it because I was afraid. My fear was not to those behind the door, but it was more on me. I wasn't ready to introduce myself to the bigger crowd. Even if I did, I wouldn't be able to understand their language and far from understanding their jokes.

I tip-toed closer to the door. It was slightly opened. I peeped in. He looked at me. I pulled my head, back. “That man…was someone familiar to me” I whispered to myself.

Shall I go? Shall I not? I leaned against the wall, thinking hard.

Relax….take a deep breath…. 1..2..3..GO.!!!

DOOSHHHH….!!! I pushed the door open wide. Both my hand held the door open. Everyone looked. Some gave me a wonder-looks. To them, I dropped an ice-block right infront of them. It was a loud thud. They looked at me, shocked. I smiled. They smiled. They then continued their business. Phew..!! I continued walking.

I looked to the leff. Ahah..!! I recognized those people. I approached them. They greeted me.

I looked to the right. “Hola! senora. hola! Senorita, me llamo Margarita”.

Ho..ho..ho…look at those cuties. I embraced their little children.

I felt as if I’ve known them for years. I was singing and dancing with the crowd. Everyone was having fun.

I was busy eating and chatting and drinking when I heard a loud…..


Oh No..!!! Que hora es..?? its time to go. I rushed out of the door. I slipped. I dropped one of my shoe. I wanted to return for it, but I was running real late. I wouldn't  want my car turning into a pumpkin.

VROOOMMMM….!!!!! I drove off while my mind was still thinking about the bigger room. I want to return to the room again, someday. I thought to myself.

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