Friday, February 10, 2012

Similarity from across the ocean


Both handsome men are among my honorable guests.

OmarOmar Bin Laden, the son of the most famous man in the history Osama Bin Laden. He and his wife, Zainah caused me a shock.!, once upon a time, when they dropped me a comment in one of my posting. I almost dropped from my chair.

AzizulRahimAzizul Rahim, the latest guest to follow my blogsite, as of today. I dont know him and dont remember if I’ve ever spoken to him. I’ve met him twice though. Both meeting were during a family gathering on my husband’s side. Based on the family structure , he probably has to address me as Aunt. His sweet smile and that charismatic look makes me feel welcomed to the family. I love that hat too.

They are both living far apart, totally from a different background, no biological connection, no tele-connection. None. These 2 gentlemen with Zero connection, somehow…

look carefully…Dont they have similarity?


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