Saturday, November 28, 2009

Festival Of Sacrifice 'Eid Ul-Adha'

Celebrated as a second Eid for this year, 'Hari Raya Qurban' fell on Friday the 27Nov 2009. Its an occasion to commemorate Ibrahim's (Peace be upon him) willingness to sacrifice his beloved son, Ismael(PBUH), as an act of obedience to Allah, which later Allah changed His order for the Prophet to slaughter an animal ('Illama' then), instead. Like other countries, Malaysian Muslims observe this special day with morning prayers at the mosque and followed by visiting family and friends, handshaking, hugging and forgiving each other and of course, food fiesta will not be excluded. Should sacrificial animal to be offered, that would take place right after the morning prayers. This year however, the Eid coincided with Friday prayers. Hence, the slaughtering-in-the-name-of-God event at my area, had to be moved to the next day, just a convenient day for my family to witness and learn how the occasion was performed in our new neighborhood. I was among the onlookers, who at first, peeping in between legs, avoiding the sight of oozing blood, then later, gusty moved forward for a closer look. 8 cows were sacrificed on that day. "Do not not pity...." I self-whispered, for the practice was executed in the name of God and for the sake of the porverty-strickens. The honor comes truly from piety(not pity) of heart, took place at the mosque, located about 3 minutes walk from my house. But, lazy bumps still drove there. Guess who. Slaughtering, butchering, cooking, and distributing, all were done by voluntaries. For the first time my hubby slashed a thick chunk of meat, for the first time, my son, Adri, touched a 4-legged animal flesh, fresh and warm and for the first time I got to know those nice ladies, who were religious to my perception. "Do you work?" "Where do you live?" were among the FAQs. We were happy to help and to have met new friends. What a great experience. The men did the cutting and washing, while the ladies did the cooking. Almost every volunteer got their portion of meat. At first, I refused to accept it, as I thought it should be given to the needy. I took it anyway, just because... There were still HUGE! mount of flesh yet to be distributed when we left, while everyone had enough, to take home. More givers compared to receivers? That sounds like Doomsday is just around the corner, doesnt it? Time to repent, I reminded myself. Along the way back I could see many carrying portion of meat in hand. Some must have been waiting long for this Eid to afford a special meal other than eggs, I thought, feeling guilty having a portion with me. Within an hour upon reaching home, I was already busy cooking meat curry, which I later distributed to few lucky picked neighbors, also to my sister-inlaw, Diana, who live nearby and to my brother, Asri who happened to stopby. Never mind the taste of my cooking, I felt GOOD for the day.


zurin said...

OOHH menyesal I did not stop by! heheh

Faida said...

Should you had stopped by, takut menyesal lagi sebab, curry at the Mamak's is more worth to go. LOL!

Anonymous said...

kak faida , where is my share? I dengar ada briyani kambing? Dont care , we must have another round of the briyani kambing with me around!-2T

Faida said...

Aik?? I didnt reveal the briyani. Ini mesti kerja orang orang tertentu. I wonder who...emmm...let me investigate..

Anonymous said...

no need to investigate.....just do the briyani kambing 1 more round...sebab i boleh bau dari Bali lagi !2T