Monday, June 7, 2010

A brother’s hug.

A cry could not bring back my eldest brother, Jamal. It's been 2.5 years since his passing. I was on my trip to Kuching, Sarawak (Borneo) when he dropped unconscious and never regain consciousness. Despite the rush I still could not reach him on time. It hurts so much that I could not express it. I lost my loving brother at his 49th year of age. So young. I was longing to hear his voice, I was hoping to see him again for the last time and I needed to hug him so bad. I was praying for God turn it to a bad dream. It didnt.

Every night I wished he would appear in my dream. I wanted to hug him and I wanted to tell him how much I love him.

Last night, my dream came true. He was in my dream. He was protecting me from something bad that was going to happen. It was unclear of what was going to happen to me though, but he was there protecting me, lifted me to his shoulder and hugged me tight. As if I knew that was his last touch, I hugged him tight. I hugged him so tight that I could still feel it when I woke up.

My weeping woke my hubby up. “It’s just a dream. Pray for his soul”, he said.  He was  correct. It was just dream. A satisfying dream. God granted me my wish. I just gave my beloved brother my last hug.
Al-Fatihah for him.


tano kemalak said...

someone told me, if we teringat orang yang dah pergi, maknanya, they are actually asking for us to sedekah Fatihah to them, so...(true or not, i think it's ok to do that)

Faida said...

Tano Kemalak my friend, Thank you. I got the same advice and did recite the AlFatihah in my sob last night. I love him so much and am still missing him a lot.