Friday, December 17, 2010

FLASHBACK - 15yrs old then and now

After working out at the Gym, I sat by the fruit stall, had my fruit juice and chatted with the friendly Indonesian ladies, who were attending to me then. I noticed a young girl, about 15 years old, walked with her boy friend, roamed around the mall. Once a while I noticed her quick glance at the boy, with her sweet shy-ish smile. I wondered if their parents knew their whereabouts.

Then I remember when I was that age. I just moved from Methodist Girls School , Kuala Lumpur to Sabah College, Kota Kinabalu, then. I was active in sport and many associations, but was kinda uneasy with the sudden surge of attention I received from those boys, which later I tend to enjoy the so-called attention.

When I received a first love note, placed in my drawer, I felt a sense of maturity and was proud to know that someone was interested in me, while in the girls school, NO WAY I would know whether or not I was attractive.

It was there, in Sabah College  I realized that I was among the good looking (some people told me that).It was also there, I started to react like a good looking girl, to the level that I didn't want to be seen walking alone with a guy.


Firstly, my parents said I was too young to think about boy friend.

Secondly, I didnt want to spoil my parents' reputation.

Thirdly, I was afraid of not getting the ‘most handsome guy’ in the school.

But then , until the end of the school days, none of the good looking guys were attracted to me. Some said I was too ‘high-pride’, while some said I wasn't attractive enough ( I thought I was).

That was me at 15. Such an innocent girl.


Anonymous said...

so ur the one??? hehehe masa tu semua orang pakai mekap yang tak tahan lama...berpeluh saja meleleh jatuh...i mean the ladieslah...kalau the guys pakai mekap....aku tidak bertanggungjawab dalam itu hal...btw bila birdypark???

Faida said...

Aku masa tu memang perasan habis. Sebab tu takdak boyfren.

Birdpark? makan bird atau cari bird?

Anonymous said...
