Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Rest for a day

Year end is just around the corner. Government budget allocation need to be used. Outstanding payments need to be done. For that, all pending deliverables need to be delivered. For that, all documentation need to be completed. Busy..busy..busy… DROP ..!!

I am dropping everything today. I need a rest from phone calls and from thinking. I just want to stay away from the office, have my coffee, have my nails done up, and my hair, I need someone else to caress them with a relaxing massage on my neck and shoulder. My face, need caress too. My beautician must be sick of setting an appointment for me because I could not come most of the time.

I’ve decided, today is the  non-stress day for me. Time to detox my mind and avoid stroke or high blood pressure. Relax………………….


Anonymous said...

yup berehatlah....dah rehat nanti belanja aku pulak makan nasi lemak yang ko janji tu hehehe...tano

Faida said...

buli bah. bilang sadjak bila dan dimana qao mau makqan.

Anonymous said...

ko dtg sini...ajak aku makan....laju aja aku dtg hehehe...tapi ko belanja lah dan jgn lupa bw cash hahahaha

Faida said...

Ko ni... kalau hal makan.... tapi itulah yang buat aku happy tu.. tengok orang lain makan dengan seleranya. Tak rugi aku blanja. Kali ni aku bawa cash cukup2.

those yang tak selera makan tu, biar durang bayar sendiri. malas tah ku ingau.