Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Let them be

I want you to be a Doctor I want you to be a Lawyer I want you to be a ....... No, it doesnt work no more. Let them choose their own career, base on they own will. But... bear in mind.... 6A's in SPM is not good enough , especially for those who live in KL and needed a scholarship. The minimum requirement is 8A+, but still it doesnt mean you can easily accepted into the local university with a scholarship. 8A+ wil only qualifies you to be considered for scholarship. We were told, among 7000+ of students who got >10A+, only 1000+ are given scholarship. To apply for scholarship, a column is provided for you to plug in your form 4's result. So, beware, dont play play during form 4. For parents, start your saving now. Start them early with insurance for education is better (I'm not insurance agent, sorry). College costs a fortune. Tough..tough... During my time, >3 credits would jump me for celebration.


tano kemalak said...

so now i know u got only 3 credits hahahahaha padan muka!!! me also...

Faida said...

sukenyer dier......

tano kemalak said...

hehe...btw y when u reply i tak dpt nptification thru my mail? biasanya dpt from other blogs

Faida said...

Tano kemalak,
ndak tau lah pulak. Actually I dont even know how to do such setting. Mengalah-ngalahkan orang IT pulak ko ni.