Friday, February 18, 2011

Eye-Lasik surgery on me


prior Since I’ve been asked by many friends about it, let me explain with more details on what the sergeant did on my eyes throughout the procedure.

Because I was a contact lenses user, the Doctor advised me not to wear them for at least 2 week before the surgery. I obeyed. Then appointment was set for me to come for them to diagnose my sight and to get a proper measurement on the % of the cutting of my lenses.


The nurse explained that if I wanted both eyes to be 100% corrected, I would be able to see far perfectly, but I would need glasses to read. I was given a choice, which another option was for him to correct my right eye(dominant eye) 100%, while my left eye only to be 50% corrected, so that I could still read menu (Probably he smelt curry out of me). Which also mean, I don't need glasses at all. I chose the 2nd option.

 after lasik

4 days before the actual procedure I was asked to come for dilation. Its just an eye drop to soften the lenses. After that I could go. My vision blurred just for a while. I could even drive, but was recommended not to.

On the day of the surgery, the nurse put an eye drop to numb my eyes, about half hour before I was called to the room.

In the room, the Dr asked me to lie down under the laser machine. I was asked to focus on a dot of light. I could feel him using something to force open my left eye.

Then he said “I will make you blind for seconds, but don't worry”. He did. I could only see a tiny red dot, which he asked me to focus on. In fact I was holding my breath out of fear. I felt something cold placed on the surface of my eye. I don't know and I didn't want to know what was he doing to my delicate and precious eye. My Right eye was open and blinking as usual. Then, I heard the nurse counting and sounds of sparks (probably the lesser cutting the surface of my lens)during the  procedure. 5..4..3..2..1..done. Just about 5 second.

The same procedure done on my right eye. This time, It was a little more than 5 seconds, may be because of 100% correction was done on it. If I'm not mistaken, the nurse counted from 8..7..6……..


After the surgery, I was allowed to go home. My eyes were so red like a ghost. I had to wear dark glasses. I could open them but I was having a blurry vision, as I was warned about it. I could not drive.

Next, the highlight….I paid the promotional price RM3000(USD1K)

The worse came 2 hours after the surgery, may be due to the numbness was over. Tear could not stop from flowing. It was like having lime juice being dropped onto my eyes. I took the given pain killer, covered my eyes with a special cover given by the clinic and went to sleep. The next morning, it was okay. the redness was still there but less. on the 2nd day I went to work as usual.

For 3 weeks I should not allow sweat or water gets into my eyes. Wearing dark glasses is advisable.

Its been 3 months now , I stopped wearing spectacles, except sun glasses. I also advised not to rub my eyes vigorously or squeeze them hard.

At time, I miss wearing my glasses though.

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