Friday, May 7, 2010

Musician Wilsom Lema

Today, I was window shopping, looking for some souvenirs to bring to Pakistan this weekend, when I heard the familiar sound of Red-Indian traditional instrument, which is kinda spiritually soothing, blowing a relaxing wave to my soul on perfect frequency. As expected, that was him, Wilson Lema. I mentioned his name in one of my postings. He is from Latin America and such a talented musician. That was my 2nd time meeting him. This time in another shopping Mall, Tropicana City Mall.

Since I didn't shoot any photos of him during our first meeting, I asked for his permission to do so. Happily he agreed. When I looked at the photo, I noticed that we have some resemblances. emmm.... maybe on the height and the width.

I like this guy... I mean , his music.


Anonymous said...

Yes, Wilson Lema is indeed a very talented musician. I love hearing him play his panflute.

His Inca tunes echo across the world, carrying with them a sense of peace, harmony and innate tranquillity.

Faida said...

Thanks for dropping by anonymous, what you said is very right. You express it the exact way.