Monday, May 24, 2010


As a parents to an only daughter, we miss her very much and we would give all the need that help her to reach her comfort zone in her new environment, the boarding school. She asked me to cook for her, I did, even if I had to wake up very early in the morning. We sent the food to her and watched her eat, then drove back to KL. She needed money to buy books, the father dropped everything and went to the bank to credit the money to her account. Last weekend, she wanted to come back on Friday and return to school on Sunday. My husband and I left our office early on Friday day to ensure that we reached Perak before 6pm so that we could be back to KL before 8pm. She called to inform that she had a stomach ache, I could not sleep until she said she was ok. Only now that I know... "this is how my parents felt"


Anonymous said...

oh my, you left tears in my eyes reading this. Nadia and Adri are very fortunate to have both of you in their lives.... littlesisD.

Ghouse said...

Salam faida...well thats what happens to us when Farha left for China..I miss quarreling with her..miss her mood swing and bullying of me (eldest daughter ni mcm tu selalu bully abah dia)..Worried like crazy when she's sick..tambah2 dia accident prone and clumsy..tapi dia too far ..China maa.. nak pergi pun jauh sangat.. anyway thats life you'll adjust to the new situation..Most important they should know that parents do care and love them so much despite the no's don'ts and won't that we usually uttered to them..semalam dia sms adik dia Najwa..."kakak miss Najwa.." kesian.. anyway just to say that we too share your feelings sis...

Faida said...

My dear liltlesisD,
I didnt feel the 'sebak' until I read your comment.I do hope they feel fortunate having us. It hurts when they compare us with other's better parents.

My dear Bro Ghouse,
You are one step above us being a parent. Your experiences even greater. I'm sure you understand how Ess and I feel.At least, Nadia is only 2 hours drive away. Farha is so 'jauh menuntut ilmu di negeri China'.I'm sure she will be back contributing pride to our big family. Ameen....