Thursday, December 29, 2011

Its not Friday??

Man..!!! I tot it was....
I've set my mind on what to do tomorrow. Yeay!! its weekend again..
Today, I woke up in the morning and set on what to wear. Friday is a day that I'm always looking forward. I could wear jeans to the office. I could put on T-Shirt to work. Cool...

I received an email that need my intervention on the following day. "No way!!" I thought.
"I'm not gonna work on weekend" . As I said that, I clicked on the date displyed on my computer. WHAT..??? Its only Thursday??? Oh no...!

There goes my mood.

ok, what is it that I need to work on? (off to work)


Anonymous said...

S.I.L you and your mixed up dates days months years and location phew nasib baik tak book siam reap dulu entah mana sampainya nanti he he he...... littlesisD

Faida said...

Oh..THAT Siem Reap. Is it the ones in Port Dickson?