Monday, December 5, 2011

One among all news


Wo..Wo..Wo….. so many things happening at the same time. up and down, left and right…news and new news…..

“but why no update in your blog..?” my sisters inlaw had been demanding.

My standard answer “ok..ok..coming up, soon. Stay tuned….”

Now that my fingers are on the keyboard…now what?? (thinking)…..

My trip to Brunei…my cousin’s wedding…my parents visits.. my relatives visit… my nephew’s engagement…my maid’s trip to sis-inlaw’s admission to hospital my father’s visit to clinic…

WHAT..??!!! maid’s wedding????

She was absent when I needed her most, when my house was full of relatives. We were to attend the above occasion. Not hers, but my cousin’s and my nephew’s. She didn't call at all, until a few days later when we have expected her not to return, she called….

“ma’am, Im getting married, I still cannot come”.

“Hah?? with who?? what happen to your current husband??? how..where? what??….. err…whatever…just come back when you’re done. The house is in a mess”

Thats the story, my dear sisters-inlaw.

Yup..just that..!

Then we left for a shopping trip. The whole family, except Nadia, who had to stay in campus. There goes my clean house, I thought, while leaving the house for the airport.

Next….. I will post photos of other occasions.


Anonymous said...

HAH that's all... we waited sooooo long (bukan menyebok but concern he he he) my hubby said sempat juga kak faida terima menantu hahahahahaha. you r the best lah sis so now honeymoon period for SRI jadi DND (do not disturb ya ibu)...littlesisD

Faida said...

LOL! mana mau cari majikan macam ni?