Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Year end double occasions


As in the previous years, my year end is reserved for Sabah relatives, who mostly will be in KL for vacation and shopping. This year, more occasions added to the year-end norms…. engagement and wedding.

My 2nd cousin (Udin, the Bride’s groom)wedding was last week. Too bad I couldn't make it to attend due to my busy schedule. My clients had to choose the same calendar to finish up their allocation, added craziness to my diary. So, I missed the wedding.



On the next day, since it was weekend and a season for sales, I took my parents and kids around town, also to my favorite place, Birds Park.

DSC01256DSC01258 While hoping for the hornbill to come nearer….yumm…..young coconut. Its my old time favorite drink too.

We then took a round tour to one of the well-known shopping mall, which has an in-door theme park, Berjaya Times Square. It was packed and merry. Christmas celebration was in a month time, however, being in the mall, it was like a Christmas Day.The first Noel…the Angel did say…na.na.na.na.na…. I enjoyed listening to the song.


Up at the cafeteria, we met up with my sister, and nieces. They took a monorail from their hotel to the place.


Nadia never fail to pose as long as there is a camera zooming.DSC01260DSC01262DSC01259 She only paid RM2.00 (USD 0.70 cents) to pose with this live golden man.

On the following day…………

My nephew, Sophian, the all-along-a-good-boy, chose the same weekend for his engagement. For the sake of my beloved sister (his mother), I made and effort not to miss this special day.There we were, on convoy, towards the areas named Gombak.

The handsome man and sweet lady, both dressed in pink.


Gifts exchanged. pian4 An hour after our arrival to the house, they both officially engaged.

Hold on..!! no touching yet…..

As a Muslim, an engagement doesn't give an authorization to the groom-to-be to touch the bride-to-be, so, the happy future-mother-inlaw put the special ring on to her future daughter-inlaw’s finger, while the groom-to-be watched. Both looked excited.



The occasion settled. Both parties satisfied.


We, Sophian’s grandpa & grandma, mom & dad, uncles & Aunties, cousins & sisters & nieces & nephews….. our present a witness to the his special occasion.

  pian7   pian8   pian9 pian5

The sweet and simple event ended with food. As usual, when it comes to food, I will forget my camera.

Before noon, all returned to their hotel rooms.

That evening, after lots of food consumed, I felt as if I was missing something. Veggies…I needed veggies. Lets go to the restaurant.

 DSC01254 DSC01253  

My kids and I enjoyed our 3 types of vegetable dishes, while my anti-veggies hubby settled with only brewed coffee and scones.

OMG..!!! who in the world is this???



Anonymous said...

YOU ARE BACK....... miss you lah sis. Anyway congratulation to both couple. Man BANDUNG punya update ?

Anonymous said...

Kak Faida, you makan sayur but are u putting on weight sikit?....I think its time for our badminton session. Mikahil dah sebok nak ajak abang adri main badminton.

Faida said...

My dear SIL, 2T, thanks for telling me that. I was about to send my weighing machine for repair.
Yup..definitely we need to resume our Badminton. See you in court!!

Bandung story coming very soon. Stay tuned....