Sunday, January 1, 2012

(Continuation of the previous posting)



My dear LittlesisD, you are hilarious. Your comment in my recent post made me burst out laughing.

You are not interested on Salak Pondoh, allright. Now you make me crash my head to recall what she said. We are talking about Aisya, my previous maid, the one who left for a day off but never came back, the one who made a sudden appearance last weekend, the one who brought me the weird fruit, ‘Salak’.

This is her mystical the story, which I reluctantly listened.

According to her, she was having a bad Gout. I believe that. I've seen her swollen leg. I’ve even bought medicine for her then.

When she visited a friend during her off day, that friend of hers recommended a ‘Bomoh’. This is a Malay word for a ‘sharman’, who she believe has  an in-depth knowledge and power of internal healing thru his magical ‘Mantra’. Mantra that her friend said, capable of "creating transformation". (Na’uzubillah..). Out of desperation, she went.

“There was one in my shoulder, one in my head, and one in my leg, Ma’am”. She whispered.

“Huh..? What’s that?”  My Salak was only half peeled.I paused.

“The Jinn. There were 3 of them. They are gone from my body. I’m ok, now. I’m so happy. ” She was excited.

“Really..???” I acknowledge with doubt.

“Thats good..I mean..good that they are gone”. Deep in mind, I imagine a sexy genie in a bottle.Like portrayed by Christina Aguilera in her video clips. I coudnt imagine how those 3 jinns look like though and how they got into Aisya’s body parts?. Anyway, I didnt really want her to continue the rubbish talk. I dont believe in extra terrestrial nor paranormal.

“ Yes.! Now, I can climb up the stairs . No problem. Now I can work”. Aisya continued.

“ err…I don't need a maid” I said.

“… I actually found a new job” . What a relief to hear her answer.


To cut the story short, after she was so-called, cured by the so-called powerfull Bomoh, she left for her country to renew her passport and re-visit Malaysia with a new level of health and found a new employer.

End of the story.


Anonymous said...

thought her name is Sri where did aisya came from?with you in & out maid we lost track! aaaaaaaaaaa....... that is a better story my S.I.L, now where is the salak (kempunan pulaklah) he he he littlesisD

Faida said...

Dear littlesisD.
oww..that was a long time ago. We called her bibik. In fact, I myself have forgotten when was that.They seem to take turn working for me.Now Sri left.Next!
Thesalak finished the moment she finished her story.LOL!