Monday, July 30, 2012

Whatelse I found at Ramadhan Bazaar


In the month of Ramadhan, when revealed The Holy Quran, the guidance of mandkind.

It is stated in the Quran..

"O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Al-Muttaqun (the pious).”

The Muslims fast from dawn to dusk, throughout the month of Ramadhan. not meant to give difficulties, but for them to feel the situation of the needy and understand and be considerate and be patient and to earn many more positive values of life gained throughout the practice.   

In Malaysia, among the highlights of this special month is the food bazaar. The hectic life of the people living in the city, especially, could not promise one to able serving a home-cooked food. Thus, the ‘Ramadhan Bazaar’ is the perfect place to visit.


Food stalls are lined along the road. hundred and perhaps thousand varieties of mouth watering dishes are found. Sweet deserts, many choices of drinks an plenty types of local food. This when one’s patience are tested.

DSC03628Yong-Tau-Foo, Murtabak, Ayam Percik, Nasi Kukus, Laksa, Badak Berendam, Kueh Tepung Pelita, Nasi Kerabu, Popiah, Nasi Bryani,Otak-Otak, Curry Puff, Roti John, Agar-Agar, Jagung Bakar and many more. I couldnt translate them, as I want you to seek for yourself at Malaysian Ramadhan Bazaar. Its available everywhere throughout the month of Ramadhan.

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I was there last week. That was my first visit to the bazaar for this fasting month. Should I had followed my wants, I could have bought all. I walked and passed one stall after another.


I made my round through the heat and noisiness, but then, see what else I encountered……….

OH MY……..


A women and a baby……’O Allah..Please…..get  them out of their agony …. 

I walked close to this poor mother. I looked at the baby. She was just a few days old. but why..??? I felt a sudden sadness. I moved closer to her.


She noticed and looked up to me. I stared  at her and the baby.

“Is this your baby?” She didnt answer. She turned her eyes away from me. DSC03623

“That must be a syndicate and that might not be hers”. Then I heard the stall owner said to me.

“Oh No…could it be someone else’s baby?” I wondered within.

“You cannot do this.!!!”. The word came out of me, and I gave the her a sign language of ‘NO’.  She didnt move and didnt look up to me. She still pretended not understanding me. The sadness in me turned to anger. I took out my camera. click..! .click..! .click..! then I left with anger still in me.

I continued walking to the other side of the bazaar.Thinking..I wanted to lodge a complain, but to who?? 

“oh hi, Hariz…good to see you....good to see your mom too…hey look what I found (showing photos).” that was just a short conversation as I bumped onto my daughter’s friend and his mom.

As I walked to other corner, another beggar…!!!??


then another….!!!?! and again, with a little todler..???? WHAT THE…. DSC03632ARRGHHH…..!!!!!

I HATE THE SYNDICATES….!!!! Somebody please…..get rid of those manipulating people.

That night, I couldnt let them out of my mind. I was thinking…what if……I grab the baby from her..? ……that will be the history of my life.

Having a baby in the house..?? hmmm…maybe I should think twice.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Talk about feelings

Its funny when someone we fond of is the same person hated by another. Its weird when an annoying attitude of one found to be interesting by another. Thus this statement often heard ‘I hate her, but you love her’

Its all about feeling and most of the time related to the mood.

Once a negative thinking is set, everyone and everything around wound return  against. Try meeting others with positive vision,  everything would turn out to be fine.

Loneliness is felt when the environment is getting dull, not when there is no one available. Loneliness wouldn't come when love is around. But why loneliness still exist between the Two lovers? That's because boredom joined in. So do something and get the boredom off ..!!!

Heart is soft and intangible that only words could reach. Any single tickling mutter could hurt this delicate organ. In most cases, not a speech, but a smile would do to get one out of uneasiness. Smile doesn't cost,  it creates miracles.

Laughter is the end result of happiness. One capable to do it when happiness is around. Man with a positive thinking is always a happy man. Be happy and practice a good laugh and you will feel younger after each, if not to the eyes of others, to your own positive mind.

stress….just don't think about it, or you’ll get killed by it.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

My friend is suffering from Lung Cancer


Yesterday I got to know. He was told that he is diagnosed as having lung cancer. It has spread all over his body internally. The last time I saw him was about 2 months ago. He, being himself, one could easily hear him laugh from a distance.

I will surely miss him, my ex-Univ mate, who I sometimes disliked his naughtiness then. We were quite close during our university days. He would knock my door and walked in directly to my kitchen, checking for food, if any.

I could imagine how he is feeling now, as once, I was also ‘wrongly’ diagnosed as having stomach cancer by an unprofessional crazy lady doctor. Too bad I forgot her name. I found out much later that she also wrongly diagnose a few more people as having cancer.Then we all concluded that she actually wanted us to do blood ozonning, which she did to me once, after shocking me with the news.She did it on pupose to gain more customer to do the ozonning that cost RM700. That BLODDY S*** Doctor.

When you know you are dying, you tend to do whatever others said would help. Thats how a cancer patient is. I was there for about a week. I'm glad I went for a 2nd opinion. The 2nd doctor told me the good news that there is no indication that I was having cancer. That lady doctor was a big liar.!!!!

I feel so sorry to hear about this friend of mine. He is so active and soon he would be on the other side of the world.?? I couldn't believe he is dying. Ya Rabb, please let him stay alive.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Visitor from the Phillipines,Elaine


Elaine or known as Cleng-Cleng by the relatives came for a 5 days visit to Malaysia last week. We have never met prior to this, but this niece of mine is concern enough to get to know us, her Malaysian relatives. I'm glad we did, although it wasn't enough time for us to get to know better.

I came to know that she is a daughter of my 1st cousin, via Facebook. I’ve met her mom many years ago when I visited Zamboanga to attend a wedding, but we have never spoken to each other, as it was too many relatives attended.

Most of the time I feel very Malaysian and most of the time I forget that I have Filipino blood in me. It took relative from there to be here for me to realize the fact that I am half here and half there.

These cousins don't look-a-like, however they get along pretty well.

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At home, Elaine speaks different language than I do. Its a regret for me not knowing Tagalog though. Anyway, I’m proud for being able to speak my mother tongue, Suluk, which is very-very similar, if not the same, to the language spoken by the Tausug in The Philippines.

So…Thats my story of the week.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Cerita Purbaku- Episod 20


Pandangan Pak Chot beralih pada Pak Lurah. Beliau melemparkan senyuman paksa. “err..baik..baik..Pak Lurah. Terima kasih”. Pak Chot menuju tangga dengan langkah yang perlahan. Menaiki anak2 tangga itu terasa begitu berat. Pak Lurah masih berdiri di atas menanti Pak Chot dengan wajah yang ceria. Sesampainya di anak tangga yang teratas, mata Pak Chot melirik ke ruang tengah rumah. Bagaikan guruh jantungnya berdegup. Darahnya mengalir seperti air banjir yang mengalir deras. Kelihatannya Halimaton sedang duduk di sana, dihiasi selendang putih yang menambahkan keayuan wajahnya. Didepannya terletak Al-Quran. Pak Chot terhenti. Ketika itu dia berdiri betul2 di hadapan Pak Lurah. Beliau tidak tahu apa yang harus beliau katakan. Mahu saja dia berlari pergi dari rumah itu.

“Silakan masuk, nak. Ini majlis tamat Al-Quran Halimaton. Marilah sama2 kita mendoakan.” Kata2 Pak Lurah itu bagaikan mengangkat batu yang amat berat dari kepala Pak Chot.”Pak Lurah..!!!” panggilan itu mengejutkan Pak Lurah.Tanpa disedari, Pak Chot tersebut nama itu dengan kuat. Terpancar keriangan di mata Pak Chot. Seakan2 hendak di peluknya orang tua itu.  “hah..!!?? ada apa ,anak muda?” Pak Lurah terkejut.

“err…Pak Lurah apa khabar?” Dengan nada perlahan, beliau membalas dengan perasaan malu yang teramat sangat.

“Oh, khabar baik, nak, silalah masuk”. Pak Lurah mengiringinya ke ruang tamu. Lirikan mata Halimaton disedari oleh Pak Chot. Senyuman manis Halimaton menusuk kalbunya. Dia membalas. Beliau duduk dengan sopan. Intan diletakkanya di sisi.

Mak Lurah serta Pak Lurah amat bangga dengan pencapaian satu2nya anak kesayangan mereka itu. Majlis doa selamat itu berjalan dengan lancar. Setelah selesai doa, para tetamu begitu berselera menjamu makanan, begitu juga Pak Chot serta Intan. Sedang beliau asyik menikmati hidangan,“ sini sayang..”,  suara lembut kedenganran dari belakangnya. Pak Chot menoleh ke arah suara itu. Mulut beliau yang dipenuhi makanan, terlopong. Halimaton tersenyum melihat keadaan Pak Chot begitu.

“Maksud saya..Intan” Halimaton dengan lembutnya berkata sambil mencapai dan membelai rambut Intan. Rupa2nya Intan dari tadi sedang memerhatikan Halimaton. Begitu juga Halimaton. Dia terasa seakan ada perasaan yang istemewa terhadap anak kecil itu.

Merah padam Muka Pak Chot. Dengan segera dia menutup mulut. Kini Halimaton berada betul2 di pinggirnya. Dia menyuapkan makanan pada Intan.

Pak Chot meneruskan kunyahannya dengan sopan sambil sesekali melirik pada keduanya. Seleranya kini hilang. Dia mencapai mangkuk pencuci tangan dan mencuci tangannya sambil memerhatikan gelagat kedua manusia terindah yang sedang bermesraan di depannya itu. “Aku akan memperisterikan kau” Bisik hatinya.

Rumah Pak Lurah telah kembali sunyi. Pak Chot tidak menyedari akan kepulangan tetamu yang lain. Matanya lekat pada Halimaton. Kebahagiaan terasa di benaknya.

“Anak muda..” suara Pak Lurah memecah renungan Pak Chot. Tangan beliau menyentuh bahunya. “ Oh.. Pak Lurah..saya nak kahwin” Halimaton terdengar. Matanya menoleh ke arah Pak Chot. Pak Lurah terkejut. Pak Chot pun terkejut lalu menepuk dahinya. Perkataan itu tiba2 terkeluar dari mulutnya.  Matanya terbeliak memandang terus pada Pak Lurah. Dia tergamam tanpa kata.

“ Anak nak kahwin? Dengan siapa?” Pak Lurah bertanya. Tiba2 jari Pak Chot secepat kilat menuding ke arah Halimaton. “aduh..!! maaf bapa, eh…Pak Lurah, tak sengaja”.Dia menarik tangannya semula. Pak Chot terlalu gugup. Dia tidak menyedari apa yang dilakukannya. Wajahnya merah padam. Keringat dingin mengalir deras dari dahinya. Wajah Halimaton ikut berubah. Dia tunduk malu. Dipeluknya Intan dengan erat. Dia tidak tahu samada hendak tersenyum atau menangis.

“HA..HA..HA..HA..HA….HA…” Kuat, Pak Lurah tegelak melihat gelagat Pak Chot. Mak Lurah meluru dari dapur. “Apahal..?? apahal ni , bang..??”.

“Alhamdullillah….” Mak Lurah menarik nafas lega apabila mendengar penerangan Pak Lurah. Pandangannya segera mengalih pada Pak Chot yang masih merah padam itu. Halimaton juga masih tertunduk malu.

“ itu pun lucu? dah nyanyuk agaknya abang ni..  ?” katanya sambil memukul lengan Pak Lurah. Mereka berdua saling berpandangan. Senyum sinis terukir. Pak Chot yang saat itu kelihatan gementar.

“Anak muda, tidak perlu malu.” Mak Lurah mendekati Pak Chot. Halimaton dengan segera membawa Intan masuk ke dalam. Mak Lurah membiarkan saja. Mak Lurah memandang terus pada Pak Chot yang perlahan2 menolehkah wajahnya ke hadapan ke arahnya. Akhirnya Pak Chot memberanikan diri untuk menyatakan hasrat hatinya. Sejak mula layanan pasangan suami isteri terhadap dirinya membuat Pak Chot merasakan seperti sebahagian dari keluarga itu. Mereka bertiga berbual mesra sehingga matahari semakin condong. Halimaton dan Intan masih berada di dalam.

Akhirnya Halimaton muncul untuk mengembalikan Intan pada Pak Chot, apabila terdengar Pak Chot meminta diri. “Rupa2nya dia mendengar” bisik hati kecilnya. Kali ini beliau tidak berani menatap wajah Halimaton. Halimanton juga hanya tunduk malu dan dengan cepat beredar masuk semula. Masing2 tidak bertegur sapa.


Pak Chot tersenyum sumbing sepanjang perjalanan pulang. Intan terlena digendongannya. Bayangan wajah manis Halimaton masih berlingkar2 di pandangan matanya. Wajah kebahagiaan yang terpancar pada wajah kedua orang tua itu tadi masih ia teringat.Beliau bangga dengan keberaniannya untuk meyatakan hasrat hatinya itu, walau dengan cara tidak disengajakan. Gelihati Pak Chot mengenangkan peristiwa tadi.

Majlis pernikahan akan diadakan sepurnama lagi. Senyuman terukir lagi di bibir Pak Chot. “Tapi..bagaimana aku hendak beritahu pada Limah..?” Langkah Pak Chot terhenti. Nama itu tiba2 membuatkan dia sedih. Airmata mula bertakung di matanya. Beliau mengesatnya dengan kain gendongan Intan lalu meneruskan perjalanannya.

Kelihatan pokok belukar di sebelah kiri jalan bergoyang. Pak Chot dengan segera menghunuskan parangnya. Langkahnya terhenti.Matanya tertumpuh pada arah belukar itu.

Nantikan sambungannya di episod ke 21.


Incase you have not read the previous episode, Click:

or if you want to read the first episode, click :

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Cerita Purbaku – Episod 19

Selangkah demi selangkah sambil memimpin tangan Intan, mereka semakin hampir di tebing sungai. Intan begitu seronok sekali diberikan peluang untuk berjalan begitu. Pak Chot menggenggam erat tangan Intan. Langkah Intan yang teragak-agak begitu mencuit hati Pak Chot. “Allah!” Pak Chot terlepas tangan Intan. Intan tersungkur. Pak Chot dengan segera mengangkat Intan. Anak kecil itu merengek sebentar. Pak Chot tersenyum lebar. “Kesian Intan”. Katanya sambil mengibas2kan lutut dan tangan Intan. Pak Chot menggendong Intan. Keduanya kelihatan begitu mesra sekali.

Sesampainya di tebing sungai, Pak Chot meletakkan Intan di tepi batu besar. Intan berdiri sambil berpaut pada batu. Dia gembira sambil berjalan mengelilingi batu. Tangan kecilnya terus berpaut pada batu. Intan tergelak dan begitu gembira bila Pak Chot mengusiknya dengan berpura2 mengejarnya. Sedang sibuk bergurau tiba-tiba mencul sebentuk tubuh tidak berapa jauh dari situ. Seorang wanita itu berdiri membelakangi mereka. Bajunya berwarna kelabu dan kelihatan lusuh. Rambutnya panjang terurai sehingga lutut. Pak Chot tersentak. Dipeluknya Intan seerat mungkin.

Limah..? suara Pak Chot terketar2.

Engkau kah Limah..? Beliau bertanya lagi dengan suara tersekat2. Wanita itu senyap. Suasana hutan tiba2 juga senyap. Tiada lagi kedengaran bunyi cengkerik. Suara2 burung kelicap juga hilang. Perlahan-lahan Pak Chot cuba mendekati, tetapi semakin Pak Chot melangkah, kelihatannya semakin jauh kedudukan lembaga itu. Langkah Pak Chot terhenti.

Limah..? Pak Chot cuba bersuara lagi.

“Abang..” Tiba2 kedengaran suara Limah. Ya, memang itulah suara Limah. Tidak salah lagi. Pak Chot masih betul2 ingat suara Limah.

“ Abang, tolonglah..kahwinilah Halimaton. tolonglah bang…”

“Tapi Limah..” sebelum Pak Chot meneruskan kata2nya, bentuk tubuh itu lesap dari pandangan.

“Limah..!!! Limah..!!!” Pak Chot berlari ketempat dimana lembaga itu berada tadi. Hilang entah kemana. Pak Chot kebingungan. Intan masih digendongannya.Limah..!!! suara Pak Chot memecah suasana hutan. Kini keriuhan hutan kembali kedengaran seperti biasa. Wajah Pak Chot berubah. Kecewa, resah dan kebingungan. Beliau masih tercari2 mengelilingi pokok yang berdekatan. Beliau akhirnya terduduk. Intan yang tidak tahu apa-apa begitu ceria apabila Pak Chot meletakkannya ketanah. Dia cuba berdiri lagi sambil berpegang pada bahu Pak Chot. Pak Chot membiarkan sahaja.

Lama juga Pak Chot termenung. Apabila beliau sedar, Intan rupa2nya sedang memerhatikannya. Wajah anak kecil yang semakin comel itu tersenyum padanya. Pak Chot bahagia sekali apabila melihat Intan terseyum begitu. Dicapainya wajah Intan. Dipeluknya anak itu dengan penuh kasih sayang. “ Kita mandi ya nak”. Beliau membawa Intan ke sungai. Sambil bermain2 dengan Intan, mata Pak Chot sentiasa melirik ke sekeliling, kalau2 Limah muncul semula.

Setelah mandi, Pak Chot memeriksa bubu. Banyak juga hasil tangkapan hari itu. Kedua anak beranak itu akhirnya berjalan pulang, sedang fikiran Pak Chot masih penuh tanda tanya. Beliau berhasrat untuk menemui Pak Lurah pada keesokan harinya.


Malam itu fikiran Pak Chot bercelaru. Bayangan Limah siang tadi masih ternampak di matanya. Belia merebahkan tubuhnya. Matanya menatap siling tak terkebil.Malam itu sepi sekali.”Baiklah Limah, kalau itu yang engkau mahu” Bisikan itu terkeluar dari bibirnya. Pak Chot akhirnya tertidur di samping Intan yang sejak tadi sudak nyenyak.

Pada keesokan harinya, Pak Chot bersiap sedia untuk menemui Pak Lurah. Intan digendongnya di belakang dengan kain Limah yang kini semakin lusuh.
Langkahnya kearah rumah Pak Lurah begitu cepat tanpa rasa penat. Tak sabar rasanya hendak bertemu Halimaton. Akhirnya beliau dengan Intan sudah berada tidak jauh dari persimpangan rumah Pak Lurah.
“Siapa mereka.?” Langkah Pak Chot terhenti. Rumah Pak Lurah terdapat ramai orang. “apa yang  berlaku?” Pak Chot berdebar2. Dia mempercepatkan langkahnya. Mak Lurah sedang sibuk mempersikan semua tetamu yang datang. Halimaton tidak kelihatan.

Sesampainya di depan rumah, Pandangan Mak Lurah terus kepada Pak Chot. “ah.. anak muda, sila lah naik..sila..sila..”

Pak Chot tergamam. “Apakah itu majlis perkahwinan Halimaton?” Bisik hatinya. Hancur luluh perasaannya. Beliau masih tercegat di sana. Beliau tidak tahu bagaimana untuk menghadapi keadaan itu. Apakah Pak Lurah sudah menemui jejaka lain untuk Halimaton?. Wajah Pak Chot kemerah2an. Sedih, malu, kecewa, itulah yang dirasakannya.

“Anak muda…!! kenapa tercegat di situ? Silalah naik” Menungan Pak Chot terhenti mendengar sapaan Pak Lurah.
Nantikan episod ke 20. stay tuned……………….

Incase you have not read the previous episode, Click :
or if you want to read the first episode, click :

Friday, July 13, 2012

Jericho Rosales is dead.???


Says who.??

My friend told me the shocking news, over breakfast. She said, Jericho died right after he completed the act on the popular Tagalog drama series Pangako Sa ‘Yo, the first Tagalog drama I’ve ever watched.

Its not a new series, but I’ve just got a chance to complete watching the drama. Such an interesting play he did. He is such a good actor, so as all of them acted in the drama.


This good looking boy did his role well as Angelo and Nathaniel, in the series. According to my friend, he probably too drunk that night. His friends found him dead on the following day.

While driving to office that morning, I felt a sudden sadness in me.

“Oh GOD..please let this info be untrue. I just started to like this young and talented star”, I wished.

When I reached the office, I immediately checked thru the internet.


He is still alive..!!!! He isnt dead..!!!. Then I checked on his FB. Yes..!! he is very alive. He had just posted a comment on his FB wall an hour before.

‘how dare you said that?? he is still alive..!’ I sms’d my friend

‘ops..! sorry, I must have got the wrong person. hehehe….’ She replied.

GHOSSSS..!! where the heck that news came from.?

Jericho, you are my first favorite Pilipino actor.Don't die too soon, Echo. I still want to see you on my TV screen.

Other than him, Kristine Hermosa, Jean Garcia & Eula Valdez did their role well too. So as the others. In fact, all of them are talented people. I watched the whole episode within a week. That kept me hooked to my TV till late. That kept me not having enough sleep and kept on yawning all day, at the office. Hatred , happiness, sadness, wilderness, madness, all in one. Those characters created those mixed-feeling in me. They were SO REAL. As I watched, I kept on telling myself “this is just a movie’.

I'm impressed with their great talents. I never thought that I could end up watching the series towards the end. Bravo to the director Rory B. Quintos.

Too bad I don't understand the language.The Malay subtitle came in handy, though.

To my dear readers who have not watched this drama, believe me, you will enjoy it. Wait..!! dont forget…buy original.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Que Sera or Que Nadia?


Mama..! Mama..!! …thats my song..!

Excited, my little girl pulled my hand. Her tiny finger pointing up to the air. We were at a shopping mall then.

I listened, wondering what song she claimed as hers.

Yes! I heard the song clearly. It was an old song written by Jay Livingston and Ray Evans

It wasn't composed for her, somehow, my humming of the song was especially for her.

When I was just a little girl……I asked my mama…….what will I be…….Will I be pretty……will I be rich…….Here’s what she said to me……

que nadia..Nadia..whatever will be..will be… the future’s not ours to see..que nadia..Nadia….

I lulled her with those lyrics. She grew up thinking that it was hers especially from her mom.

My dear forever-little-girl, plan today and the future will be yours to see.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Visit to the zoo


Only for kids..? Nah….me too, enjoyed my every trip to the zoo.

The zoo is just about 20 minutes drive from the city of Metropolitan, Kuala Lumpur.

Thinking of the agony of walking around the wide area at this age, I initially didnt think I should join the kids. But later, I decided to get myself a little treat, and indeed, I enjoyed the environment and the buggy ride.


The buggy costs RM5 (USD 1.50), while the entrance to the zoo cost about RM30 (USD10)

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Its fun to see those animals. They probably enjoying the attention from their visitors too.


Orang Utan is one of the most favorite creature for the visitors.


My son and his cousins couldn't get enough from just watching.

DSC03499 They had fun feeding the cows.

Visit to The Butterfly farm is also included in the package. That was my first visit to insect. I pulled myself together and kept on telling myself not to jump when the insect come close to me. Thank God, none did, otherwise that could be the end of their lives.

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I like the huge aquarium located just next to the stage. I saw a big Arapaima, one of my favorite fish to see.

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We reached the site at noon. By 3pm we joined the crowd to witness the smartness of the sea lion, fox, Flamingo and eagle.

Its nice to see the excitement featured on the kids expression watching the show.


By 5pm, we reached home and return our attention to our little pet.


5 hours is enough for zoo visit. Go ahead and plan your visit with your kids, while the animals are still alive. Have fun..!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Love note for my beloved


I wished I could straighten things for others. I wished I had the power to switch the negativity to positivity.I wished I could make the happiness return to my beloved people. Its sad to see them sad, but sometimes matters are going out of hand and separation becomes the best solution.

Everyone has problem. So do I. But it hurts me more seeing my beloved ones love-hurt. Love sometimes doesn't reflect the actual meaning. The pain caused by love is painful than a physical cut.

but, its ok dear. We learn as we live. Appreciate your life. Take  the negatives as lessons for you to build a better future. Love is not something you should preserve. Continue giving your love to those who deserve and you will get the same in return.

Jean Sasson and me?


I checked on my old blog postings, yesterday. There she was… ! She listed herself among my honorable guests. I couldnt believe it…!!!

I read her latest addition to my postings. I smiled of happiness. It was just comments of a few words, somehow she made my day. I replied to her comments. I told her how glad I am knowing that she dropped by my blogsite.  She is globally known while I am the unknown, except to my relatives and friends. God created those geniuses who then created the technology that got us to talk to each other. Jean and I.

She is Jean Sasson, my favorite writer who authored Princess and Growing Up Bin Laden.

I ‘ve read most of her books. She writes the way I like them written. She describes the way I want them to be described. She makes her every line imaginable, that makes me feel as if I was there watching those characters who she mentioned in her book. Thru her book she managed to bring me happiness, eagerness and anger too.

Congratulation Jean.