Monday, May 23, 2011

My Mini-Zoo


We’ve decided…

let forget about having a special aquarium just for the growing Arowana, unless someone is willing to clean the tank and change the water . but who?? not me…not you..not her…not him…

SPLASHhhh..! off you jump to the pond, Princess.

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My Silver Arowana is now happily swimming together with my cannibalistic turtles and other fish. Today is its 3rd day in the man made in-house pond. So far, those turtles are behaving themselves. They probably wondering “What the heck is this?”

The Arowana is  happy to find more  fish to eat, but some are too big for it to gulp, while….

the owner (my hubby) kept on checking if it is still there, alive, not eaten by the turtles.


At the back of my kitchen, those stray cats are still roaming around hoping to see the kitchen door opened.

Last night at around 10pm, I heard a sound of a kitten.

My hubby’s expression..”Oh no….not another one..”, while I rushed to check.

There she was……

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This first timer mom gave birth to the only one total-black kitten. Not a dot of white. She got irritated by the torch lights I used on her. She picked her tiny baby up and ran into the darkness. Poor kitten. Come back okay…!!!

Welcome to my mini zoo.

Entrance is free….!!!

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