Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Shut up!! I’m listening to R. Carlos Nakai


Opposite from my normal driving style, when my hubby many times warned

“cant you slow down?”,

For the past 2 days, eversince I got back from my trip to The States, people had been honking and overtaking my car, throwing their irritated facial expression, while I stayed cool and soothed.

It was the Talisman music that I bought from Chicago airport to be blamed. Played by Nakai, the haunting sound of the Native American flute kinda drifted me away stress-lessly, driving through the congested road.


Talisman music is referred to music, which presence exercises a remarkable influence on human feelings.

Not that I understood the meaning behind it, somehow, I like the quote written on the album cover…

‘I feel the talisman of white shell and obsidian within the pollen bag and recall the Hozho’jii prayer which has accompanied my people through countless ages. I stand silently in the darkness, facing East..’

Hozho’jii is a prayer of the Navajo, pronounced as Navaho, the largest Indian American tribe in North America.

While reading the quote, I imagined a loner, sitting on the peak of a huge rock, by the side of a quiet cliff, having flute in his hand, looking towards to the far East, observing and appreciating the sound of silence….shhhh….

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