Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Another sleeping disorder


Perhaps the article I read was correct that excessive exercise contributes to sleeping difficulties. I am having the said problem, at the point of working on this post.

And when it happens, I could come up with a full blown movie out of my imagination, whenever I forced close my eyes.

Tonight I thought about my schooldays. My likeable friends, my dislikeable non-friends, my former school, my teachers, and how I was according to what described by my ex-classmate thru the Facebook today. must have been a mistake. She didn't sound like me, or am I living in denial?. ok…ok..whatever it is guys and gals..sorry if I had ever offended you then. I love you all.

My following attempt to sleep, I imagined all the joyful events during my favorite day,then, sports day. My dear friend posted a photo of funny-looking-me in my sports wear.

Next, I thought about all my cute nephews and nieces. I could never had enough of hugging them. They all are so lovable and smart too.

Then, I thought about all the backlogs of work pending and preparations for my presentation in the next seminar, which I have not even started thinking about what to say other than .err…emmm….arr..uhh..

I also thought about a few horror dreams that I had last night and the night before. What a nightmare.So real, I saw the lady daemon sucking blood from a relative’s toe. I shouted at the scary looking creature. I shouted at it so loud, using language which I myself could not understand.WWOOAAHH…!!!  (I’m getting goose bump )

Good that I never muttered any numbers or mentioning names during my sleep though.

My old folks said, when one often had a nightmare, that means the under bed is dirty. The thing is, I kept on forgetting to check. When it time to sleep I could only see bed, not whatever underneath it.(This maid is going to get it).

For many weeks off, I just re-visited my Gym session, today. The 1 hour session, I cut short it to 45 minutes. My trainer must be grateful for getting an extra 15 minutes free time. 7pm is probably too late for a heavy workout, which might  be the cause of this sleeping disorder. I will try an earlier workout next time.

I tried picking a book. The History of Islam by Akbar Shah Najeebabadi. Arrgghh…even the author’s name is too difficult for me to read. Not at this time. I shelved it back.

I’m gonna close my eyes again in a sec. Lets see what's new in the movie this time. ZZZzzzzzz…..

1 comment:

Sleep Innovations said...

Sleep disorders can be cured if we take proper treatment of these sleep problems.