Thursday, July 28, 2011

So-called wall paper


Through Facebook, my friend, Amie and I were discussing about her intention to get her feature wall covered with nice wall paper. Considering the price of wall paper, she has to put her intention aside for a while.

The conversation reminded me of my thoughts, about 4 years ago.

Been there and done that!

I liked wall paper too. Then I got the idea. I wanted my own design. Unique, handmade, homemade. You may call it anything, but you will never find the exact same design anywhere else.

I bought 3 different colors of concrete paints. I chose  brown, cream and white. They Sounded errhh… what a combination.

Then I use the metal scrub, which was meant to scrub my pots and pans to create the unique design. dab…!dab..! dab..!dab..!dab..!dab..!


Then VOILA..!!!


I wouldn't say I did it perfectly, somehow, from a distant, they appeared soothing. The initially weird color combination, actually soften the tone of my favorite family area, to my liking.

The pattern matches my cheap curtain and the harmonious color mixtures is just perfect for our small favorite area where fights over TV remote control would normally happened.


But try not to let your visitor to look closer though. Leave a distance.

Why? because they look funny.

“stand further away, please”


Perfect or not perfect, who cares??…its your own sweat and you gain your own  satisfaction. And the best thing is…no one else would ever have the exact pattern of ‘Wall Paper’ as yours.

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