Sunday, July 17, 2011

Just so you know


Sharing knowledge does not cost a cent. I’ve been telling myself that. I’ve been telling my children that too and thats the same old thing I’ve been telling all my staff in every appraisal interview I had with each of them.

So, let me share what I learned recently, when I picked up a book. I like  his thoughts. Richard Templer stated in his book The Rules Of Wealth,

‘Debt holds us back…..Pay off your loans and debts as a priority’.This way, we are not wasting money paying interest.

I believe him. Interest is ‘unnecessary cost’. This is what I’ve been trying to do. Paying debts of credit cards as much as I could. It doesn't mean I have to cut down my spa visits though. I still need a little treats and a little life enhancers. ‘I work hard for the money’. It a song lyrics.

Another statement that I always keep in mind is…“Always read the small print”

When you read a nice appealing offer displayed on a brochure, do read the term and condition, which normally printed using small font.


“Spend less than you earn”. HAH.! this is the big word that I am still practising. Lets do it together, you’ol.


Anonymous said...

nasi lemak included???

Faida said...

Yup, thats included under 'money leaks'..hehe...
Take Nasi Lemakless, instead.